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- Availability: In Stock
- Stock #:642160
- Additional Description:CYNAMIC
Low Temp Sanitizer is a sodium hypochlorite solution that may be used for the final rinse in low temperature dishwashers at levels required by Local Health Authorities. Low Temp Sanitizer may also be used as a sanitizer for non-porous food contact surfaces, such as in the last rinse sink of a 3-compartment sink system for pots and pan and utensils. Please consult the label for all its uses.
Cynamic Low Temperature Sanitizer - 5 gallon pail
Disinfects and Sanitizes
Food Contact Sanitizing Performance
Sanitizes Porous and Non Porous Surfaces
Destains and Deodorizes
5.25% Hypochlorite Solution
Before use as a sanitizer, food products and packaging materials must be removed from the room or carefully protected. Prior to application, remove gross food particles and soil by a pre-flush or pre-scrape and when necessary, pre-soak. Then thoroughly wash or flush objects with a good detergent or compatible cleaner, followed by a potable water rinse before application of the sanitizing solution.
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