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  • Availability: In Stock
  • Stock #:891002
  • Additional Description:

Anduran 28 Gallon Concrete Receptacle TR20GY-THE
Anduran 28 Gallon Concrete Receptacle TR20GY-THE
1 Each
  • This receptacle is the most popular receptacle for University, College, Urban Environments and Parks, Heavy Commercial applications.
  • Once placed, it won't move or tip over.
  • Concrete is a naturally porous material, always use a shrouded, rigid, plastic liner inside the concrete waste receptacle which overhangs the concrete (no trash is allowed to fall between the concrete shell and the liner). Tops are held close to the receptacle by a security cable to ensure that they are always replaced and kept in good condition. All aggregate is sealed with a clear Acrylic sealer to maintain the finish against vandalism.